Unpacking Hays Travel Compensation: A Closer Look At Employee Benefits


Hays Travel, a renowned UK-based travel company, has been at the forefront of the industry for decades. Besides offering an array of travel services, the company has also gained a reputation for its employee compensation package. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of Hays Travel compensation, exploring the various benefits and financial perks the company offers to its employees.

Competitive Salaries

One of the strongest pillars of Hays Travel compensation is its commitment to providing competitive salaries to its employees. The company ensures that employees are fairly remunerated for their work, which helps attract and retain top talent. Hays Travel benchmarks its salaries against industry standards, ensuring that employees receive compensation that is commensurate with their skills, experience, and job roles. By offering competitive salaries, the company fosters a motivated and dedicated workforce, which ultimately benefits both individual employees and the company as a whole.

Commission and Bonus Schemes

Hays Travel recognizes the importance of rewarding exceptional performance. To this end, the company has implemented attractive commission and bonus schemes across various departments. For instance, sales consultants have the opportunity to earn commission on every booking they make, providing a strong incentive for them to go above and beyond in their sales efforts. Additionally, the company offers performance-based bonuses to employees who consistently exceed their targets, encouraging an environment of healthy competition and motivation.

Profit Sharing

Another notable aspect of Hays Travel compensation is its profit-sharing scheme. The company believes in sharing the success and financial gains with its employees. This scheme allows eligible employees to receive a portion of the company’s profits on an annual basis. By involving employees in the company’s financial success, Hays Travel fosters a sense of ownership and loyalty among its workforce, as they directly benefit from the company’s profitability.

Employee Discounts and Travel Benefits

As a travel-focused company, Hays Travel offers its employees a range of exclusive discounts and travel benefits. These perks allow employees to experience the fruits of their labor firsthand and indulge in their passion for travel. Whether it’s discounted holidays, free or reduced-rate travel insurance, or other travel-related benefits, Hays Travel ensures its employees can explore the world at a more affordable cost. Such benefits not only serve as a way to reward employees but also contribute to their overall job satisfaction and work-life balance.

Paid Time Off and Leave

Recognizing the importance of work-life balance and employee well-being, Hays Travel provides generous paid time off and leave options. Besides annual leave, the company offers additional paid leave for special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, and even moving house. Moreover, employees can also take advantage of unpaid leave options, allowing them to pursue personal projects or take extended trips without sacrificing their employment status. Hays Travel understands that a content and well-rested workforce is more productive and committed in the long run.

Health and Well-being Benefits

Employee well-being is a top priority for Hays Travel, and it demonstrates this commitment through a wide range of health and well-being benefits. The company offers private healthcare packages, which cover medical expenses, consultations, and treatments. Additionally, Hays Travel employees have access to discounted gym memberships, wellness programs, and counseling services. Such benefits underline the company’s dedication to ensuring the physical and mental well-being of its employees and create a positive work environment.


Hays Travel compensation stands out as one of the most comprehensive packages within the travel industry. The company’s commitment to fair and competitive salaries, alongside attractive commission and bonus schemes, ensures that employees are rewarded for their hard work and dedication. With profit sharing, employee discounts, and travel benefits, Hays Travel encourages its employees to explore their love for travel while enjoying financial perks. Moreover, paid time off, health benefits, and well-being initiatives further contribute to the overall job satisfaction and work-life balance of the company’s workforce. Hays Travel’s compensation package truly reflects its commitment to valuing and investing in its employees, making it an attractive place to work in the highly competitive travel industry.